by Linda Kay
Narrated by: Tim Turner
Synopsis: An in-depth look at the six month quarantine system employed for animals in Great Britain in order to keep rabies and other diseases off the island.
Reality Cats: The short begins by talking about how much the British love their pets, showcasing dogs and then several cats who appear to be attending a cat show.

A little girl is also shown petting a kitten.

Later one of the many cat and dog quarantine kennels is presented. A very large grey Persian is being removed from their carrier upon arriving at the kennel.

The animals must be isolated to ensure they are not infected with rabies or other diseases. The cats are given plenty of food and access to a small outdoor run.

Final Mewsings: The cats are probably wondering when they are going to get their one phone call.
Many thanks to RobG for letting us know about the cats in this short film.
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