Lucky Ghost (1942)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: William Beaudine

Synopsis: Down and out Washington (Mantan Moreland) and Jefferson (F.E. Miller) find their luck changing when they win a car and clothes from two rich gentlemen and end up at a haunted sanitarium which is being used a a front for a gambling operation.

Kitty Cameo: The ghosts of the sanitarium start haunting the patrons of the joint’s supper club. A window opens by itself and one man gets up and closes it. A moment later it opens again and a black cat wearing a ribbon suddenly appears while a woman’s voice warns, “Many brave hearts are asleep in the deep, so beware!” The people leap up from their tables and run away.

Lucky Ghost - black cat wearing ribbon in window
Lucky Ghost - black cat wearing ribbon in window scares club patrons animated gif

Final Mewsings: Who knew possessed cats were familiar with sea shanties?

Many thanks to Melanie for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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