Mamba (1988)

by Linda Kay

Also Known As: Fair Game

Directed by: Mario Orfini

Synopsis: Eva (Trudie Styler) has had it with her womanizing, abusive husband Gene (Gregg Henry) and leaves him. But he isn’t through with her and to get revenge he locks her into her new home with a venomous and aggressive snake.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The first time we see Eva she is rescuing a small turtle from a hissing longhair ginger tabby cat she calls Paylo (that is how she pronounces the cat’s name so we will go with that spelling, although perhaps she meant to say Paolo?)

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo hissing

The cat is panting and looks distressed in a second shot.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo panting

Eva gives Paylo skritches under his chin and offers him something from her grocery bag before taking the turtle inside to join two other turtles she has in a terrarium.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo receiving chin skritches

Moments later Eva opens the door to retrieve her grocery bags (which she has left on the stoop) only to find Paylo snooping about. She quickly tosses the cat away from the bags and warns him not to try to get in through the skylight.

Mamba - longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo being tossed away from grocery bags

After Gene has left the snake in Eva’s apartment he sits outside in his car monitoring the situation within the home. At one point Paylo slides down his windshield in a Spring Loaded Cat moment.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo sliding down windshield of car

Paylo looks accusingly in through the windshield at Gene, who turns on the wipers to scare the cat away.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo outside car windshield
Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo outside car windshield
Mamba - longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo outside car windshield irritating Gene Gregg Henry animated gif

Eva sits upon a pile of items in the middle of her room in a bizarre attempt to keep the snake from getting to her. She is startled by a flash of lightning and looks up to see Paylo looking down from the skylight above.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo looking down from skylight

She desperately whispers “Help me!” to the cat, but he turns and walks away, never to return in the film.

Mamba - extreme close up of longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo turning away from skylight
Mamba - longhair ginger tabby cat Paylo outside skylight with Eva Trudie Styler asking for help animated gif

Final Mewsings: If you want the cat to save you, don’t ban them from entering through your skylight!

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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