Mickey’s Good Deed (1932)

Mickey's Good Deed poster

Walt Disney Productions
 Walt Disney, Pinto Colvig
Directed by: Burt Gillett

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis:  Mickey Mouse and Pluto are cold and hungry at Christmas but sacrifice everything to do a good deed.

Cartoon Cats: After witnessing a spoiled boy at a mansion, Mickey and Pluto stumble upon the small home of a poor Mama Cat who is crying. She has an open and empty pocketbook next to her and her husband is pictured on the wall in a prison uniform.

Mickey's Good Deed - Mama cat crying at table

Mickey's Good Deed - picture of inmate Father Cat

In the bed, numerous kittens are sleeping and dreaming of Santa’s arrival.

Mickey's Good Deed - kittens in bed dreaming of Santa

Mickey's Good Deed - kittens in bed dreaming of Santa animated gif

Mickey feels sorry for the kittens and decides to sell Pluto to the rich kid to get money to buy toys. He sneaks back to the cats’ house with a Santa hat on and lifts the sheet of the bed to reveal even more kittens sleeping beneath.

Mickey's Good Deed - Mickey Mouse looking at multiple kittens lying in bed

Mickey leaves tons of toys and tries to sneak out but makes some noise which awakens the kittens.

Mickey's Good Deed - excited kittens sitting up in bed

The kittens waste no time in playing with their new gifts.

Mickey's Good Deed - kittens playing with new toys

Mickey's Good Deed - kittens playing with new toys animated gif

Final Mewsings: It’s not too many people who would sell their dog to help some cats.

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