British Pathé
Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage shows various baby animals interacting and just being cute.
Reality Cats: There is no rhyme or reason to this clips in this collection, it’s just random shots of cute baby animals. First up is a mama cat with her kittens.

The kittens are then seen lapping some milk from a saucer, although most of it seems to be getting on them.

A placard then states, “Curiosity may have killed the cat, but never a monkey.” A monkey with a chain around its neck is then seen with the kittens.

Next is a staged shot of one of the kittens in a small basket hanging from a pole. A mouse is on the basket with the kitten and a puppy is in a similar basket.

The kitten is then seen in the basket of a balloon which is somehow suspended but not going anywhere. The mouse is also hanging onto the balloon’s basket.

Finally the kitten is seen sitting inside a glass.

Final Mewsings: Kittens are adorable anywhere but you don’t have to stick them everywhere to prove it.
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