Mother Cat and her Baby Skunks (1958)

Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc.

Synopsis: A mother farm cat finds some orphaned baby skunks in the woods and brings them home to her barn to raise them alongside her own kittens.

Featured Feline: Mother Cat, who is known by only that name, is a beautiful tabby Maine Coon.

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - Maine Coon tabby cat

The synopsis is basically the entire plot of the short film, apart from the fact that the baby skunks are being threatened by a hungry hawk and the Mother Cat saves them, not once but twice!

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - Maine Coon tabby cat with three baby skunks

The Mother Cat is shown feeding and cleaning both the skunks and her own kittens.

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - Maine Coon tabby cat cleaning kittens and baby skunks

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): Mother cat’s kittens, Blackie, Sandy and Puff, steal the show whenever they are on screen.

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - tuxedo kitten Blackie

Puff is featured in particular, being smaller than the other kittens.  Oddly the kittens seem almost as out of place as the skunks, having completely different colors than their mother and being different sizes as well.

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - orange kitten Puff

The kittens and the skunks end up being one happy family.

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - kittens and skunks together

Mother Cat and Her Skunks - orange kitten Puff and baby skunk sleeping together

Final Mewsings: Mother cat is obviously an advocate for adoption.

Many thanks to Marcus at Cinefamily for introducing us to this film!

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