Mourning Turned Into Joy (1923)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage covers the miraculous return to Grimsby of the trawler Sargon to port when the ship and its men were thought to be lost in the Arctic sea.

Reality Cats: The returning crew of the ship are seen on deck. Two men in the group are holding black cats.

Mourning Turned Into joy - newsreel footage of crew of Sargon trawler with Skipper McCarthy holding black cat

Mourning Turned Into joy - newsreel footage of crew of Sargon trawler with man holding a black cat

A caption then introduces the first man as Skipper McCarthy who is holding up the ship’s mascot, the black cat!

Mourning Turned Into joy - newsreel footage of crew of Sargon trawler with Skipper McCarthy holding black cat mascot

Final Mewsings: Who said black cats were bad luck?

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