Columbia Pictures Corporation
Starring: Janet Leigh, Betty Garrett, Jack Lemon, Bob Fosse
Directed by: Richard Quine
Synopsis: Based on a series of stories written by Ruth McKinney, this musical follows the story of two small-town sisters who move to New York with dreams of making it big, Ruth (Betty Garrett) with her writing and her beautiful sister, Eileen, with her dancing. They end up in a less-than-perfect basement apartment and come to know a wide variety of colorful characters, but success always seems to be just out of their grasp.
Purr Blur: In one scene near the middle of the movie, Eileen steps out of the apartment, leaving Ruth to do some writing. An orange and white cat being chased by a dog suddenly runs in through the street-level window. The dog, unable to squeeze through the bars to chase the cat, stands barking after it. Ruth is unphased by all this and simply turns around to bark at the dog, scaring it away.
Final Mewsings: Street-level basement windows have their advantages . . . for cats.
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