Original Air Date: April 1, 1965
Directed by: James V. Kern
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: With his dad and brothers all working, Chip (Stanley Livingston) feels a need to provide for the family as well and decides to become a fur trapper.
Kitty Cameo: Chip and Ernie (Barry Livingston) build a box trap baited with sardines and go to the park to try it out. A long-haired white cat with black markings wanders into the trap and gets caught.

The boys rush to the trap as the cat screeches and yowls. In actuality the cat actor is quite calm, eating whatever was placed inside the box for him.

A woman (Margaret Muse) sitting on a bench nearby hears the cat crying and jumps up, yelling, “Fluffy! Boys, what have you done to Fluffy?” “Nothing ma’am,” Chip explains, “We’re trying out our new trap. We’re going to catch fur-bearing animals and make fur coats.” “Out of helpless little cats?” the woman cries. “You get him out of there this instance!” Chip pulls Fluffy from the box and winces as if the cat has clawed his finger. “Serves you right!” the woman says.

The woman gathers up Fluffy and hurries away, talking baby talk to him.

The animals for the series were provided by Frank Inn.

Final Mewsings: Who lets their cat run around loose in the park?
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