Original Title: Zui quan nu diao shou
Also Known As: Against the Drunken Cat Paws; Flying Claw Fights; 14 Demons; Thirteen Evil Bandits
Directed by: Shan-Hsi Ting
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Lin Chin (Ling Chia) is the daughter of a martial arts teacher who was killed in the same attack which blinded her. Drinking wine constantly, she poses as a male beggar while waiting her chance for revenge.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Lin Chin and her young boy sidekick are often accompanied by a male blue point Siamese cat who pops in and out of the film irregularly but usually with purpose. In the first scene the pair are stealing jars of wine and the cat shows up on a roof.

The cat then appears by a bush and distracts a man so Lin Chin and the boy can sneak by him.

During the opening credits, Lin Chin practices her drunken cat moves. Shots of the Siamese cat are intercut and the cat even leaps (or rather is catapulted) between her legs.

Much later in the film the boy is attacked by one of the bandits. The cat appears out of nowhere and leaps on the man’s foot, giving him a nasty gash. The man kicks at the cat who flies some distance and runs away.

In a later scene Lin Chin is training, standing atop several jars while dangling a tempting morsel in front of the cat on a long stick.

The boy mischievously hits one of the bottom jars with a rock shot from a slingshot, sending Lin Chin toppling and the cat scurrying. Lin Chin recovers her balance, performs a flip and pops up on her feet, flinging the treat at the boy’s mouth. The Siamese cat jealously licks its lips.

During the final battle, the cat appears again and leaps at the bad guy while he is fighting with Lin Chin.

Final Mewsings: Kung Fu Kitty only shows up when you really need him!
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