Music Artist: Carly Rae Jepsen
Starring: Shrampton
Directed by: Carlos Lopez Estrada and Nelson de Castro
Synopsis: The music video for Carly Rae Jepsen’s song finds her falling in love with a stray cat.
Featured Feline: Carly is getting into her car on a rainy night when she finds the cat (named Cat in the video and played by the butterscotch Scottish Fold cat actor Shrampton) in a cardboard box.

She takes Cat home and sings to him as they lie on her bed.

She also sings to him in the bathroom and at the dinner table.

Things start to escalate when more and more Cats appear in her home.

Then she is in space singing with Cats around her.

Carly wakes up to find she was dreaming of the multiple Cats, only now Cat is gone. She runs out in the rain, calling for Cat (a la Breakfast at Tiffanys). She eventually finds Cat in the arms of a man.

Very sadly Shrampton, the cat actor who stole this video and also appeared in Tegan and Sara’s video Stop Desire, passed away of polycystic kidney disease in July of 2019.

Final Mewsings: When we find cats, our life is complete.
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