by Mark Murton
Original Air Date: November 8, 1990
Studio Director: Sydney Lotterby
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: The Meldrews, Victor (Richard Wilson) and Margaret (Annette Crosbie), go to stay with their old friends the Bluetts, Vince (Stephen Lewis) and April (Georgina Hayle), in their dilapidated seaside boarding house, but a dead seagull, a troupe of performing midgets and a superglued beer glass ensure their stay is anything but a holiday.
Kitty Cameo: They arrive at the guest house and Margaret makes her way to the dining room. She is sitting down when there is a loud cat meow (dubbed in). Vince reaches down to grab a tabby cat from her chair.

Vince informs Margaret that the female cat is from next door and must have been attracted by the smell of the fish stain on the chair!

Vince removes the cat. Victor arrives and is eating his stew when Vince returns and starts sneezing, explaining he must be allergic to the cat. Having not seen the cat in the dining room earlier, Victor stares suspiciously at the meat on his fork and decides he isn’t hungry.
Final Mewsings: A good guest house makes all its visitors welcome, both human and animal.
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