Pets United (2019)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Reinhard Klooss

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The Pampered pets of Robo-City must unite with a stray dog to fight a technological takeover of their town.

Cartoon Cats: Belle (voiced by Natalie Dormer) is a spoiled Siamese cat with a tabby tail. She is startled one night when a dog named Roger (voiced by Patrick Roche) breaks into her apartment and starts stealing food.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle facing dog Roger

Roger is a stray dog who takes care of fellow strays. Another little black cat with white paws and face is one of the homeless animals whom Roger cares for in their section of town.

Pets United - cartoon little black and white cat sleeping on welcome mat outside

Belle belongs to a wealthy woman who gives her kitty every luxury.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle watching owner spraying perfume

The pampered pets are dropped off at a high class gym for animals.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle stretching at bar

When the mayor turns the robots of Robo-City on the people, driving them from town, the pets are left behind.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle and Pug looking out window

Roger is determined to find out what is really behind the takeover. Belle and the other pets reluctantly join him.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle clinging to dog Roger

Passing through a zoo, the pets have odd encounters with various animals, including a monitor lizard.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle with pig, pug and Bob looking at monitor lizard

Belle takes everyone back to her apartment in the hopes her owner will be there, but is crushed to find she isn’t.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle in cat bed with dog Roger

Roger and the pets, as well as an emotional robot named Bob who is wanted by the evil mayor (who also turns out to be a robot), continue their quest for answers.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle with dogs Roger, Rinaldo and robot Bob

They find time for a little fun and dancing at an abandoned mall.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle dancing in mall with dog Roger

Feeling he is putting his animal friends in danger, Bob gives himself up. Roger insists on going to look for Bob alone. But Belle and the others decide they will follow via the sewers.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle with pig, pug and dog Rinaldo

Finding Roger and Bob in danger, Belle jumps in to help them.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle trying to save dog Roger and robot Bob from fiery trash compactor

Even though she fears spiders, she faces the Mayor’s giant spider robot and takes it down.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle arching back
Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle facing giant robot spider

In the end everything works out okay, as one would expect. Co-produced in China and released there first before being thrown onto Netflix in the U.S. market, this one is honestly a pretty poor excuse for a movie all the way around.

Pets United - cartoon Siamese cat Belle and dog Roger in bed

Final Mewsings: Cats (and all animals) deserve better content than this.

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Official Website Link

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