Poltergeist II – The Other Side (1986)

by Mark Murton

Directed by: Brian Gibson

Synopsis: One year on from the events of the first film, the Freelings have relocated to Arizona but the spirits haven’t finished with Carol Anne (Heather O’Rourke) yet and the family are soon in danger again.

Kitty Cameos: Soon after arriving at their new home the family go to explore the local shopping mall where Carol Anne’s attention is drawn to two kittens in a shop window. As her mother (JoBeth Williams) catches up with her Carol Anne casually informs her, “Mom, I talked to the kittens. They wanna come home with us.”

Poltergeist 2 - Carol Anne Heather O'Rourke looking at two kittens in window of pet store
Poltergeist 2 - Carol Anne Heather O'Rourke looking at two kittens in window of pet store animated gif

Her mother quickly leads her away, explaining their pet dog wouldn’t like it.

Poltergeist 2 - Carol Anne Heather O'Rourke being led away from kittens in window of pet store by mother JoBeth Williams
Poltergeist 2 - Carol Anne Heather O'Rourke being led away from kittens in window of pet store by mother JoBeth Williams

Final Mewsings: If you hear kittens asking to come home with you, you should definitely listen!

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