Original Air Date: July 29, 2018
Directed by: Laura Belsey
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoilers for two episodes!
Synopsis: Tulip, Jesse, Jody and T.C. make plans to save both Gran’ma’s and Tulip’s lives while Cassidy learns more about Eccarius in New Orleans.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): While in a bar, Eccarius (Adam Croasdell) proves to Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun) that he is a genuine vampire by seducing a woman and then her male partner. While they are kissing, Eccarius suddenly disappears. Cassidy is impressed, thinking Eccarius has made himself invisible. “Don’t be foolish,” a voice says. Cassidy looks down to see a small black cat. “No one can turn invisible,” Eccarius states. He has turned himself into a cat.

Eccarius again turns into the cat and hangs out with Cassidy on the sidewalk during a night of pubbing in the following episode entitled Hitler.

Final Mewsings: Turning yourself into a cat is one of the true upsides of being a vampire.
Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in these episodes.
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