Profumo di donna (1974)

English Title: Scent of a Woman
Directed by: Dino Risi

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A young Army cadet named Giovanni Bertazzi (Alessandro Momo) is assigned to accompany a surly blind and maimed Captain named Fausto Consolo (Vittorio Gassman) on a trip to Naples.

Kitty Cameo: As in the remake with Al Pacino, Fausto has a pet cat, a silver long-haired tabby named Baron. The cat is seen in Fausto’s room during Giovanni’s first meeting with the man. Fausto pets the cat as he explains the Baron is “six years old, castrated. He hates me. He’s always trying to trip me up. So far, no luck, poor Baron.”

Scent of a Woman - gray long-haired tabby cat Baron being petted at Fausto's feet
Scent of a Woman - gray long-haired tabby cat Baron at Fausto's feet

Later in the scene Fausto picks up the cat as he talks to Giovanni.

Scent of a Woman - Fausto Vittorio Gassman holding gray long-haired tabby cat Baron on lap

After Giovanni leaves the room, Fausto sits in a chair petting the Baron. In a tender moment Fausto asks the Baron what he thinks of Giovanni and admits he’s a bit of a dork but a good kid.

Scent of a Woman - close up of gray long-haired tabby cat Baron in Fausto's arms
Scent of a Woman - close up of gray long-haired tabby cat Baron being petted in Fausto's arms
Scent of a Woman - Fausto Vittorio Gassman petting gray long-haired tabby cat Baron on lap

Kitty Carnage Warning! Unfortunately this tender behavior is short-lived as Fausto suddenly turns on the cat, calling Baron a “dirty, murderous eunuch” and picking him up by the scruff. He shakes the Baron slightly before tossing him aside.

Scent of a Woman - Fausto Vittorio Gassman holding gray long-haired tabby cat Baron up by scruff

Final Mewsings: If you want someone to be unlikable, have them throw a cat!

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