Project U.F.O. – “Sighting 4001: The Washington D.C. Incident”

Project U.F.O. DVD

Original Air Date: February 19, 1978
Starring: William Jordan, Caskey Swaim
Directed by: Richard Quine

Synopsis: A government agency investigates various U.F.O. sightings and tries to explain the phenomena people are seeing.

Kitty Cameo: At the beginning of the episode a U.F.O. buzzes a farm. An orange tabby cat meows before the craft appears, then takes off screeching once the bright light materializes. Actually it appears that stock footage of a cat may have been used and the sounds of the cat meowing and screeching are dubbed.

Project U.F.O. - Sighting 4001 The Washington D.C. Incident - close up of orange tabby cat

Project U.F.O. - Sighting 4001 The Washington D.C. Incident - close up of orange tabby cat

Project U.F.O. - Sighting 4001 The Washington D.C. Incident - close up of orange tabby cat screeching

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t like being disturbed by U.F.O.s.

Many thanks to The Horror Cats for letting us know about the cat in this episode!

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