Pussy’s Breakfast (1905)

Original Title: Le Déjeuner de minet

Synopsis: A girl (Estelle Roy de Menditte) enjoys her breakfast before being joined by her pet tabby cat.

Featured Feline: The pet tabby cat, who is wearing a ribbon, is tossed onto the table as the girl is eating some baked goods with a bowl of cream. This is one of the first “catapults” in movie history!

Pussy's Breakfast - Le Déjeuner de minet - tabby cat on table with girl

The girl pours some of her cream into a glass.

Pussy's Breakfast - Le Déjeuner de minet - tabby cat on table with girl pouring cream into glass

After the girl leaves the table the cat dips her paw into the glass repeatedly, licking the cream from her paw.

Pussy's Breakfast - Le Déjeuner de minet - tabby cat on table licking cream from paw

At the end of the short the cat appears to notice the camera and even looks surprised.

Pussy's Breakfast - Le Déjeuner de minet - tabby cat on table looking into camera

Final Mewsings: Cats are natural movie stars.

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this short film.

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