Queens (2018)

Music Artist: Saara Aalto

Synopsis: The music video for Eurovision contender Saara Aalto’s song Queens.

Kitty Cameos: Two cats make appearances in this video; a lovely lush white long-haired cat and a beautiful sleek gray Sphynx cat.

Saara Aalto - Queens - Saara petting long haired white cat

Saara Aalto - Queens - Saara petting long haired white cat

Saara Aalto - Queens - Saara petting gray Sphynx cat

Saara Aalto - Queens - Saara petting gray Sphynx cat

Final Mewsings: Cats would win Eurovision if they were allowed to enter.

Many thank to The Horror Cats for letting us know about the cats in this music video!

Relevant Links:

Amazon logo  Official Website Link

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