Directed by: Victor Salva
This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Radio talk show psychiatrist Dr. Sonny Blake (Rose McGowan) grows increasingly disturbed by the lingering paper boy in her neighborhood.
Featured Feline: Living alone in her house, Sonny decides to get a cat, mostly because her father’s house, where she recently moved, already has cat doors. She brings home a long-haired tabby Siamese named Monster. She tries to teach Monster how to use the cat door by tempting him with some food, but he’s not having it.

She pulls the cat through the door and promises to find him a bed.

In a later scene Sonny is upstairs with her boyfriend Barrett Tanner (Sonny Marinelli) when they hear a noise downstairs. Barrett is sure it is the newsboy but Sonny assures him it’s just the cat. Only they realize Monster is in the hallway outside their room.

After Barrett is hurt, he stakes out Sonny’s house, petting Monster the cat as he tells Sonny how he is going to watch for the creep to return.

Later in the evening Barrett hears a noise and goes to investigate, leaving Monster behind.

Farther into the film, Sonny’s friend Paula Crenshaw (Luna Lauren Velez) is at the house feeding Monster. Monster is outside and still refuses to use the cat door. What Paula doesn’t see is Monster is right next to the killer newsboy.

Kitty Carnage Warning! Eventually Paula reaches through the door to pull Monster inside. She is shocked when he seems so hard to lift through. “Are you just one fat cat or is there someone out there pulling on you?” Paula asks. Suddenly Monster is jerked out of her hands violently and pulled back through the cat door with a screech. This was achieved by speeding up the film, so the cat actor was not actually pulled out so quickly.

The animal trainers on the film were Tammy Maples, Alvin Mears and James Rodriguez.

Final Mewsings: Cats refuse to use cat doors when they’re just devices in horror movies.
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