by Ted Davis
Original Air Date: April 4, 1956
Directed by: george waGGner
Synopsis: Yes, 15th century poet and swashbuckler Francois Villon (Errol Flynn) is past his prime and has packed on a few pounds, but he still has enough sense of social responsibility and residual heroism to risk his life to thwart the assassination attempt on the life of France’s rightful king.
Purr Blur: A nighttime cat exits a sparse forest as Villon and his companions Bagot (Murvyn Vye) and Velvet (Pameka Duncan) scale a wall to enter the castle grounds.

A few moments later, Bagot, who is standing guard at an exit castle door, is distracted by the same cat (although not necessarily the same cat actor), who has evidently completed his errand, scooting back into the scenery.

Final Mewsings: Many cats have mastered the art of aging gracefully.
Many thanks to Brian H. for also letting us know about the cat in this episode.
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