Directed by: George Mendeluk
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Jill Thompson (Daphne Zuniga) is shocked to learn that her long-thought deceased husband died only recently and had a secret life.
Featured Feline: Jill owns a tabby and white cat named Cleo who is first seen in the opening credits sitting on a table inside as Jill works in the garden.

After learning about her husband’s secret life, Jill holds Cleo for comfort.

Jill works with an insurance man named Mike (Duncan Regehr) to try to learn about the recent years in her husband’s life. As they talk in the kitchen of Jill’s home, Cleo is eating on the counter.

After Mike leaves, Jill pets Cleo and talks about an impending date.

Later, Cleo is in Jill’s lap on a rainy night as Jill does some research.

A lightning strike scares Cleo who jumps off Jill’s lap. Jill then cannot find the cat and looks outside where she finds a disturbing note from someone who is threatening her. Cleo picks that moment to run by in a classic spring-loaded cat scare.

Inside Jill and Cleo both dry off. At the end of the film Jill moves and is holding a cat carrier but it isn’t clear if the cat actor playing Cleo is inside or not.

Final Mewsings: Cats are masters at secret lives.
Many thanks to Fritz for letting us know about the cat in this movie.
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