by Linda Kay
Also Known As: Episode 2383
Original Air Date: December 23, 1987
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Big Bird and Gina (Alison Bartlett) find a stray kitten in a vacant lot and turn to Luis (Emilio Delgado) for help.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Luis is in his fix-it shop when Big Bird and Gina arrive in a worried state with the sick kitten. Luis carefully looks at the tiny gray tabby kitten, which looks weak and scraggly (likely the kitten’s fur was matted with something to make it look ragged).

Luis phones Mr. Minetti at the local pet shop for advice on how to help the kitten.

Maria (Sonia Manzano) has joined them when Luis returns with some baby food which Mr. Minetti suggests they give the kitten every two hours. They start to feed the kitten who laps up the food eagerly, much to everyone’s relief.

Marie eyes Luis lovingly as they feed the kitten.

Later Elmo and Big Bird are watching the kitten while Luis brings in some items. Elmo wants to play a guessing game so they try to figure out what Luis is planning to do with a pillow, blanket, cot, pajamas, robe, alarm clock and toothbrush.

At one point the kitten tries to climb out of the box and Elmo gently pushes the kitty back down.

Luis explains that since the kitten needs to be fed every two hours he has decided to sleep in the shop.

That night Luis sings a lullaby to the kitten as the kitty sleeps on a blanket in the box.

Maria comes by the shop saying she can’t sleep and together they feed the kitten as the episode ends. This incident was one of the many things which brought Maria and Luis together and their characters eventually got married.

Final Mewsings: Kittens bring people together.
Many thanks to Erin T. Aardvark for letting us know about the kitten in this episode.
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