Silence (2016)

Silence poster

SharpSword Films
 Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver
Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Synopsis: Set in the 17th century, two Portuguese Jesuit priests travel to Japan to find their missing mentor who has reportedly commited apostasy.

Cat Cattle Call:  In one scene, one of the priests named Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) travels to a village where he had previously preached. When he arrives he finds the place completed deserted. Suddenly a tabby Japanese bobtail appears, growling as it moves along.

Silence - tabby Japanese bobtail moving through empty village

Silence - tabby Japanese bobtail moving through empty village

Silence - tabby Japanese bobtail standing behind Rodrigues' legs

When the scene cuts to a wider shot we can see the village is full of cats.

Silence - Rodrigues Andrew Garfield standing in deserted village full of cats

Silence - Rodrigues Andrew Garfield standing in deserted village full of cats

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t sit still for sermons.

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