Squirrel Keeps Cat Company (1957)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage from Dallas, Texas, shows a squirrel and a cat living together in the same house.

Reality Cat: The Hinckel house is the residence of Fred the squirrel and Sam the cat, who are seen together in the same room as the narrator explains their story.

Squirrel Keeps Cat Company Fred squirrel and Sam cat

Fred was brought into the house as a baby and Sam learned to accept him as a fellow resident.  The two are shown supposedly playing together, although Sam is basically just tolerating Fred and taking a few swipes at him.

Squirrel Keeps Cat Company Fred squirrel and Sam cat playing

In the end Sam is seen licking Fred.  Maybe just having a taste before the cameras are turned off?

Squirrel Keeps Cat Company Sam cat licking Fred squirrel

Final Mewsings: What cat wouldn’t want their own squirrel lick?

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