Stage Fright (1923)

Our Gang Stage Fright poster

Hal Roach Studios
 Mickey Daniels, Joe Cobb, Charles Stevenson
Directed by: Robert F. McGowan

Synopsis: The parents of the Our Gang kids are conned by a man into putting on a school play to raise money, so the kids are pushed into performing a theatrical show about Ancient Rome.

Purr Blur: This silent short begins with the Our Gang kids’ interactions with a fruit and vegetable vendor (Charles Stevenson).  After having tricked the man into throwing food at them, Mickey (Mickey Daniels) is ordered by his mom to buy some groceries.  Mickey can’t face the man he just cheated and so he tries to think of some other way to get what he needs.  His dog spots a cat sitting on one of the stands.  The dog chases after the cat, which leaps up out of the way and the fruits and vegetables spill down the street where Mickey can easily gather some up.  The cat is only on the screen for a split second.

Our Gang - Stage Fright cat on produce stand

Final Mewsings: So much for cats guarding produce stores!

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