Stars at Noon (2022)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Claire Denis

Synopsis: Trish (Margaret Qualley) is an aspiring American journalist who resorts to prostitution to make ends meet as she desperately looks for a way to escape from Nicaragua. She believes her luck is changing when she falls for a charismatic Englishman named Daniel (Joe Alwyn), but his situation turns out to be even more tenuous than hers.

Purr Blur: One morning as Trish returns to her low-rent hostel a cat crosses the street behind her.

Stars at Noon - cat crossing road behind Trish Margaret Qualley
Stars at Noon - cat crossing road behind Trish Margaret Qualley animated gif

Moments later Trish leaves the hotel and runs back up the street. What appears to be the same cat emerges from the bushes right before the scene cuts.

Stars at Noon - cat emerging from bushes in front of Trish Margaret Qualley

Final Mewsings: Cats are better escape artists than people.

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