Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A silent examination of how children growing up with differing disciplines affects their adult years.
Featured Feline: Only the first reel of this film exists but it features a rather prominent white kitten with black markings. Two mothers, each with two children, are showcased. Mrs. Kirby lightly disciplines her two girls. Mrs. Stevens is more domineering with her daughter Margaret and son. Both mothers allow their children to go to the park to play. Mrs. Kirby goes with her daughters and knits on a bench. Mrs. Stevens sends her kids alone with strict orders to return by five o’clock and a rather obvious “or else” attached. With only fifteen minutes remaining, Margaret and her brother hurry home. On the way Margaret spots the kitten by a curb.

Realizing the kitten is in danger of being hit by a car, Margaret scoops it up.

Margaret and her brother then carry the kitten to a water spout in the park and wash it off. The kitten would have probably preferred a drink of water at this point. Also the poor kitten is bobbed around as the girl runs.

The brother points out that the front of Margaret’s dress is all dirty.

When they arrive home late, Mrs. Stevens is furious. She grabs a paddle and pulls Margaret’s hand from behind her back, revealing the kitten.

This only makes Mrs. Stevens madder. “First, you come in late – and then you bring that home with you.” She points to the door, indicating the kitten must leave.

Margaret runs outside her home and looks around, not sure what to do. She ends up handing the kitten to a woman sitting on the stoop with her kids.

Final Mewsings: Mrs. Stevens should have been proud that her kids would save a cat!
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