Switchback (1997)

Directed by: Jeb Stuart

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Ex-FBI agent Frank LaCrosse (Dennis Quaid) is on the trail of a serial killer who kidnapped his son.

Kitty Cameo: At the beginning of the film a babysitter named Missy (Claudia Stedelin) is seen sitting with the boy. She hears a noise and investigates. In true spring-loaded cat fashion a ginger tabby cat jumps out of nowhere and runs across the room to a bowl of food. Missy breathes a sigh of relief just before she is grabbed by a hand.

Switchback - ginger tabby running across room to bowl of food
Switchback - ginger tabby running across room to bowl of food
Switchback - ginger tabby running across room to bowl of food
Switchback - ginger tabby running across room to bowl of food scaring babysitter Missy Claudia Stedelin animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats will do anything for food; even act as a distraction for killers.

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