Directed by: Tex Avery
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A classic animated short rich in word play finds a hip guy (voiced by John Brown) trying to communicate with Noah Webster (also John Brown) to get into heaven.
Cartoon Cats: As the hipster explains his story, Webster literally imagines what he is saying. So when he says that his girlfriend Mary wouldn’t say a word and he guessed the cat had her tongue, we see a tabby cat in a chair which then holds up a tongue.

The hipster explains that when he was leaving a nightclub it was raining cats and dogs. So we see numerous cats and dogs falling from the sky and landing on the ground.

At the end of the short, Webster is rendered speechless by all of the slang. The hipster asks if the cat has his tongue and Webster looks over to see the cat, now an angel, holding up his tongue.

The raining cats and dogs pun was even featured on the poster for the short.

Final Mewsings: Cool cats dig the vernacular!
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