Music Artist: Midnight Juggernauts
Directed by: Mrzyk & Moriceau
Synopsis: Cats are the central theme of this music video for the song Systematic.
Featured Felines: This video is filled with cats presented in an odd variety of computer manipulated ways, as well as in their own beautiful forms.
Black cats are shown with incense sticks in their buttholes. We assume this was done with CGI.
The majority of the video shows cats flying across the screen then falling. It’s not clear exactly how this was achieved but the cats were most likely given a soft place to land.
The idea to have cats flying all around for the video was that of the French directors, explained band member Vincent Vendetta in an article at The Dwarf. “They had an idea to throw dozens of cats around and we were curious to see how they could do that without offending animal cruelty groups. My initial reaction to the video was to laugh throughout—and obviously no animals were harmed.”
Final Mewsings: Would your cat let you put an incense stick in its butt?
Many thanks to Dan Croitoru for letting us know about the cats in this video!
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