Take Me to Tarzana (2021)

by Linda Kay

Starring: Summer

Directed by: Maceo Greenberg

Synopsis: Miles (Andrew Creer), suffering in a dead end job for a research firm, finds out that his boss is not only spying on fellow employee Jane (Samantha Robinson) but stealing personal information to sell overseas. Together the workers set out with Miles’ hipster neighbor Jameson (Jonathan Bennett) to take down the company.

Kitty Cameo: As Miles is walking home from work a bicyclist passes, throwing a soda on him. A woman (Betty Jean) passing by notes that at least it cooled him off then calls to her leashed Somali cat Summer, who is bedecked in a pink feathered boa, to continue on their way.

Take Me to Tarzana - Somali cat Summer wearing boa and walking on leash

Summer is a therapy cat and influencer with her own blog called Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

Take Me to Tarzana - Somali cat Summer wearing boa and walking on leash with Betty Jean and Miles Andrew Creer animated gif

Final Mewsings: We would definitely like to see bigger roles for Summer!

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