by Mark Murton
Also Known As: Monster From The Surf
Directed by: Jon Hall
Synopsis: Amiably daft “monster shindig of chicks and chills.” A young girl’s mutilated body is found on a beach. Professor Otto Lindsay (Jon Hall) suspects some form of mutated sea creature but his son Richard (Arnold Lessing), who knew the victim, thinks it’s a madman with a grudge against him and his friends.
Purr Blur: After another killing, Richard and his girlfriend Janie return to the beach to search for clues. Richard enters a water outlet pipe and as he moves deeper inside his flashlight briefly picks out a snarling cat (actually, the noise on the soundtrack is of a snarling cat whereas the cat seen on screen just looks surprised.)

Final Mewsings: One of the few horror films in which the Spring Loaded Cat is the biggest thrill!
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