by Ted Davis
Directed by: Peter Brook
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: The successful criminal career of foxy rogue MacHeath the Highwayman (Laurence Olivier) is severely compromised by his growing fondness for pretty-as-a-picture Polly Peachum (Dorothy Tutin) and positively threatened by his wayward relationships with clinging vine Lucy Lockit (Daphne Anderson) and wanton harlots Jenny Diver (Yvonne Furneaux) and Sukey Tawdrey (Sandra Dorne). One false step could lead the lusty Captain MacHeath directly to the gallows!
Purr Blur: While waiting for the captured MacHeath to be brought to Newgate prison, Mr. Lockit (Stanley Holloway), the jailor, entertains himself and his black cat by singing a song. The cat is first seen on Lockit’s desk, resting on a stack of papers, his tail energetically twitching. Later during the same scene, the cat is visible in the background, his tail still active, as Lockit stirs a simmering pot. As a bell rings, the cat jumps down. Although the cat is present throughout the scene, it is still rather difficult to make the cat out on the desk.

Final Mewsings: Unrepentant criminal cats are masters at snatching all that they can get.
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