The Brute (1977)

by Mark Murton

Directed by: Gerry O’Hara

Synopsis: Model Diane Shepherd (Sarah Douglas) is routinely beaten by her violent husband, Ted (Julian Glover), who accuses her of being unfaithful. Eventually she flees and takes shelter with a photographer and his girlfriend, but Ted threatens that if she doesn’t come back to him he’ll make sure he wins custody of their young son and she’ll never see him again.

Kitty Cameo: Prior to the first brutal attack we witness on Diane, Ted arrives home as a black cat runs down the stairs, pausing a moment on one step.

The Brute - black cat coming down stairs
The Brute - black cat sitting on stair

The cat nervously slinks past the man’s feet.

The Brute - black cat coming down stairs and slinking past Ted Julian Glover's feet animated gif

Having run outside into the night to escape further punishment, the next morning Diane peers through the kitchen window to see if the coast is clear and spots the cat on the floor by its food and water bowls.

The Brute - black cat at man's feet

Later in the film, Diane has returned home to Ted once again and they even enjoy a semi-civilised meal together. But in the next scene Ted comes into the house carrying the cat which he deposits on the floor. The cat scurries into the kitchen and is not seen again, possibly suspecting the brutality yet to come.

The Brute - black cat being carried by Ted Julian Glover
The Brute - black cat being set down by Ted Julian Glover

Final Mewsings: While you’re rescuing yourself and your son, how about rescuing the cat as well?

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