Starring: Rumple, Amber and Spot
Directed by: Norman Tokar
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A cat alien makes an emergency landing on Earth then seeks the help of a scientist to repair his ship which is being held by the military.
Featured Felines: After the small spaceship lands the alien cat exits. He is wearing a collar which sometimes glows.

The alien feline watches as the military arrives to take his spaceship away. He stows aboard one of their vehicles. Having the power to move objects, the cat easily gains access to the military meeting room where General Stilton (Harry Morgan) shows everyone a hovering object taken from the spacecraft. He asks his scientific researchers, including Frank (Ken Berry), Link (McLean Stevenson) and Liz (Sandy Duncan) for their theories on this mysterious propulsion system. When Frank gives his theory on The Primal Mainstream, the cat sits up and takes interest.

The alien follows Frank to his office. Frank is amused by the cat and calls him Jake. But he’s shocked when Jake (voiced by Ronnie Schell) starts communicating with him via thought transference and introduces himself as Zunar J5/90 Doric Fourseven but suggests they continue to just use Jake. He explains that on his planet cats were the highest life form his society needed to evolve to since they focused on developing their mental acuity while humans on Earth developed tools, machinery, agriculture “and a chronic pain in his lower back.”

Back at Frank’s apartment, Jake displays the powers of his collar by letting Frank hold on and levitate.

Link drops by to watch the end of a basketball game (which Jake controls using his mind) and then Liz arrives with her cat Lucy Belle.

Frank had forgotten he had asked Liz out earlier and tries to think of an excuse to break the date. Jake provides one by sneezing, allowing Frank to say the cat is sick.

Frank and Jake sneak onto the military base and examine Jake’s spaceship, watched closely by Mr. Stallwood (Roddy McDowall), a man who works at the base but is actually spying for a master criminal named Mr. Olympus (William Prince). When they are almost caught, Jake shows off his power to make people freeze in place.

Jake explains he has to rendevous with the mothership within thirty-four hours. After checking the ship, Jake realizes he needs a mineral replacement for one component, which turns out to be gold.

They are nearly caught and have to make a daring escape from the base using a motorcycle which Jake levitates over the gate.

Needing $120,000 to buy enough gold for Jake’s needs, they realize that with Link’s help they can place sports bets and Jake can control the outcome of the games. They confide in Link with Jake using his powers to convince him. Little do they know that Stallwood is filming them from outside the apartment.

Liz comes over with Lucy Belle and Frank tells her Jake is still sick. She calls Dr. Wenger (Alan Young), a veterinarian from upstairs, and he gives Jake a tranquilizer before Frank and Link know what has happened. This threatens their plan since Jake can’t control the outcome of the games.

Not able to reach Link’s bookie by phone to cancel the bets, they explain to Liz what is going on and head down to the pool hall.

Ernie the bookie (Jesse White) points out the games have started and won’t cancel. They decide to bet on a pool game to break even but Ernie will only give them good odds if Liz plays. Frank tries to use Jake’s collar to control the game but the ball flies out of control. Fortunately Jake awakens in time to control another game and win them the money they need.

Both the military and Stallwood are after Jake and his collar. Jake is happy to finally have the means to go home but admits he wishes he could stay, having grown fond of Lucy Belle.

General Stilton and his man barge in right when Jake is preparing to shrink the gold to his needs. They freeze the men and after Jake shrinks the gold Frank takes the General’s uniform to get them back onto the base.

After they leave, Liz and Link are kidnapped by Olympus’ men.

Jake prepares his ship for departure, making contact with the mothership. Meanwhile Link is dropped off at the base to relay a message from Olympus that he wants the collar in exchange for Liz.

Hearing that Liz and Lucy Belle are in trouble, Jake lets the ship take off without him and joins Frank and Link to save them.

At the airport, Olympus and Stallwood try to escape in a helicopter with Liz and Lucy Belle.

Jake commandeers a beat up old plane to take chase with Frank riding along.

Realizing that Olympus means to kill Liz, Stallwood actually sabotages the helicopter. Everyone bails out, leaving Liz and Lucy Belle to be rescued by Frank and Jake.

With Jake holding the plane in the air, Frank is able to help Lucy Belle and Liz get to safety.

At the end of the film, Jake is sworn in as a citizen of the United States.

Check out our Behind the Scenes special feature on the film, Everything’s Jake.
Final Mewsings: Of course cats are evolutionary perfection!
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