Directed by: Michael Showalter
Synopsis: This biopic chronicles the rise and fall of Tammy Faye (Jessica Chastain) and Jim Bakker (Andrew Garfield), televangelists who built an enormous worldwide empire only to have it all come crashing down.
Kitty Cameo: The couple film an apology to their followers from outside their home. Tammy is holding a silver Chinchilla Persian cat on her lap.
Jim asks Tammy to sing a song and she sets the cat on the wicker chair after she stands up.
Taking the cat into his own lap, Jim holds the kitty while she performs.
The cat in this film was based on a real cat the Bakkers owned and the cat was indeed present in that notable apology.
The animal wrangler on the film was Stephanie H. Allen with M. Steve Becker acting as Supervising Animal Wrangler.
Final Mewsings: An apology seems more sincere when you’re holding a cat.
Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cat in this film.
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