by Mark Murton
Original Air Date: March 31, 1977
Starring: The Felix Team
Directed by: Art Fisher
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Arriving in a new time zone, Scott (Ike Eisenmann) is excited to spot a carnival full of stalls and rides in the distance and, despite Willaway’s (Roddy McDowell) misgivings, convinces the others they should investigate. They meet the proprietor of the carnival, Marcus Apollonius (Mel Ferrer), who encourages them to enjoy themselves. But things aren’t all they seem as Apollonius and his underlings plan to use the travellers to aid their own escape from this time zone.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Liana (Katie Saylor) stares toward the funfair, never having seen such a thing before. The others are equally intrigued but Sil-L seems unimpressed.

As they head towards the carnival, unbeknownst to the travellers, they are observed on a screen by several figures.

They enter the funfair and look around.

At a shooting gallery they encounter a man who introduces himself as Marcus Apollonius. As he relates his story, Liana and the others listen in rapt attention (although Sil-L still seems considerably less interested!).

Scott is invited to have a go at the shooting gallery as the others watch.

The others are amused by Willaway’s continued assertion that the place is “eerie.”

Next they encounter a fairground barker (Richard Lawson) who encourages them to enter the “funhouse of the mystics!”

He further intrigues them by revealing information about who they are and where they’re from, including telling Liana, “You are the child of another world.” When they ask how he can know these things he replies, “You have questions? The truths you seek lie inside that door.”

This convinces them to take up his offer and it’s at this point that Sil-L receives his customary kiss from Liana as he is placed on the ground and out of the action until the end of the episode.

While Sil-L is smart enough to stay out of the funhouse, there are Egyptian cat statues, as well as other cat art, inside.

At the end of the episode, with the story resolved and the traveller’s safe again, they return to their bags where they find Sil-L patiently waiting. Liana cradles Sil-L as they walk out of the funfair and on to their next adventure.

Final Mewsings: Cats like to have fun too!
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