Metro Pictures Corporation
Starring: Rudolf Valentino, Derek Ghent, Virginia Warwick
Directed by: Rex Ingram
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A large family in Argentina break apart and end up on opposite sides in France and Germany during World War I.
Kitty Cameo: In one scene René Lacour (Derek Ghent) is dressed in a soldier’s uniform while his fiancee, Chichi (Virginia Warwick) fusses with him and calls him her little sugar soldier. Rene is frustrated because he wants to be a real soldier, but his father, the Senator, has arranged for him to go into the auxilary service. The couple are at odds and sit down in chairs apart from one another. We then see a shot of a cat sitting next to a dog. The cat hisses and swipes angrily at the dog.
Final Mewsings: Don’t mess with cats or women when they’re mad.
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