Directed by: Wes Anderson
Synopsis: A collection of stories are presented taken from a publication called The French Dispatch, a magazine started by a American midwestern editor living in the French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé.
Purr Blur: Near the beginning of the film a waiter is carrying a tray full of various items up to the French Dispatch office at the top of a building. A black cat is sitting on a garbage can near the door at the bottom.

The cat moves up and down the stairs a bit as the scene progresses.

Cat Cattle Call: In the segment in which Herbsaint Sazerac (Owen Wilson) is taking his readers on a cycling tour of Ennui, he outlines the vermin which inhabits the city. After showing the numerous rats in the subway, he then offers a plate of food to a ridiculously large amount of cats hanging out on the rooftops of the town.

Cartoon Cats: During a later story, the film switches to animation to depict a police chasing a car. Some cats run across the road just before the speeding cars reach them.

During the end credits, some French Dispatch illustrated covers are shown. Two of these include cats.

Cats were also featured on posters for the movie, although in the case of the cartoon one you have to look very closely to spot the cat!

Final Mewsings: Cats can appreciate quirkiness!
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