The Gold Robbers – “Rough Trade”

by Mark Murton

Original Air Date: July 11, 1969

Directed by: Lionel Harris

Synopsis: Det. Chief Supt. Cradock (Peter Vaughan) thinks he’s found a weak link in the bullion robbers’ armor; Peter Conroy (Geoffrey Whitehead), the getaway driver, has run to Austria to evade arrest but left his wife behind, and Cradock can use her.

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): While a colleague goes to interview Conroy’s wife, seasoned journalist Frank Evans (Terence Sewards) inveigles his way into the home of Conroy’s mother Violet (Hilda Braid) seeking information (and a photograph of her son). The scene opens with Violet’s tortoiseshell cat, Mitzy, in her basket tending to her brood of kittens.

The Gold Robbers - Rough Trade - tortoiseshell cat Mitzy in basket with her kittens

Violet speaks to Mitzy who looks towards her.

The Gold Robbers - Rough Trade - tortoiseshell cat Mitzy in basket with her kittens

Mitzy then exits her basket as Violet spoons some food into her bowl. Evans arrives and the cats don’t appear again.

The Gold Robbers - Rough Trade - tortoiseshell cat Mitzy climbing out of basket with her kittens to approach bowl
The Gold Robbers - Rough Trade - tortoiseshell cat Mitzy leaving basket with her kittens to eat from bowl
The Gold Robbers - Rough Trade - tortoiseshell cat Mitzy leaving basket with her kittens to eat from bowl animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats are more precious than gold.

Many thanks to RobG for also letting us know about the cats in this episode.

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