Original Title: Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (The Golem, How He Came into the World)
Directed by: Paul Wegener, Carl Boese
Synopsis: In 16th century Prague, Rabbi Loew (Albert Steinrück) creates a golem from clay and brings him to life to help protect the Jewish people from prosecution.
Kitty Cameo: After Rabbi Loew predicts disaster for the Jews, a black cat is seen walking on some rooftops.

In the restored version of the film, this shot is significantly shorter.

Purr Blur: An arrogant knight named Florian (Lothar Müthel) sneaks behind Rabbi Loew’s back to see the man’s daughter, Miriam (Lyda Salmonova). As he approaches their home, a black cat is sitting in front of the house.

The cat runs away as Florian passes. Both of these black cats appear to foretell things going badly.

Final Mewsings: Sadly filmmakers continue to use black cats as harbingers of doom!
Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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