Music Artist: Fat Boy Slim featuring Bootsy Collins
Starring: Chandler, Sprocket and Pinto as “Fat Boy Slim”
Directed by: Jon Watts
Synopsis: The winner of the Fat Boy Slim Make a Music Video contest with an all-kitten cast in an updated version of the Steve Miller Band song.
Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): The video begins with a kitten as The Joker waking up in the morning. It is the day of the Fat Boy Slim concert!

Leaving the house, Joker passes a mailman.

Next stop is a bar where vintage footage of boxing cats is on television. Joker picks up the bartender to go to the concert.

They take the train to the big city. A hobo kitten is on the other side of a tunnel.

In the city, fans are gathering around the concert venue. Two business kitties look on in contempt.

Joker and friend are flirted at by construction kitties as a police kitty keeps watch.

Going to a rougher section of town, the kittens encounter a homeless kitten and a pimp.

They score some catnip from a dealer and go through a weird trip.

Because of this, they find the concert sold out when they return. Undaunted, they beat up the backstage guard and get into the club.

Inside the crowd is grooving to the spin styles of Fat Boy Slim (the kitten is actually riding around and around on the record player).

This very clever music video definitely deserved to win a contest, but that story was actually just a story . . . nice one, guys! Yep, we fell for it!

Final Mewsings: All music videos should star kittens!
Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cats in this video.
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