The Naked Monster (2005)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Wayne Berwick, Ted Newsom

Synopsis: A sendup of 50’s sci fi monster movies, this film features several stars from that era as well as a silly plot about a mutant dinosaur creature and an endless supply of puns.

Kitty Cameo: As the monster lays supposedly dead, a group of scientists gather around to examine the creature. Dr. Carlton (Brinke Stevens) calls for a cat scan and the scene cuts to a man holding a calico cat, swinging the animal back and forth.

The Naked Monster - man holding up calico cat
The Naked Monster - man holding up calico cat
The Naked Monster - scientists looking at man swinging calico cat back and forth animated gif

Final Mewsings: The cat scan reveals that this is one goofy movie!

Many thanks to Melanie for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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