Paul Gregory Productions
Starring: Lilian Gish, Robert Mitchum
Directed by: Charles Laughton
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Two children escape across the countryside from their murderous stepfather, self-purported preacher Harry Powell (Robert Mitchum).
Purr Blur: The children find refuge in the farmhouse of an older woman named Rachel Cooper (Lilian Gish) who has a way with children and animals. She protects them from Powell, who is stalking them one night. When he suddenly appears, Rachel orders the children to run upstairs. As the oldest girl runs up, a tabby cat is seen running down. Moments later the cat screeches as Powell presumably steps on or near the cat and Powell lurches, causing Rachel to shoot.
Final Mewsings: Even the toughest killer can succumb to a spring-loaded cat!
Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cat in this film!
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