The Pearl of Death (1944)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Roy William Neill

Synopsis: In this mystery-adventure which borrows a smattering of plot from the Arthur Conan Doyle story The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, master consulting detective Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone), assisted (?) by his blundering friend Dr. John Watson (Nigel Bruce), attempts to redeem himself after committing a careless and expensive error by tracking the whereabouts of the infamous Borgia Pearl, in which effort he is matched by ruthless criminal brainiac Giles Conover (Miles Mander) and his hulking brutish vassal, The Hoxton Creeper (Rondo Hatton).

Kitty Cameo: The homicidal Creeper breaks into the home of an unnamed soon-to-be murder victim and frightens a tabby cat, which darts from her spot on an armchair and slips behind the library curtains, meowing along the way. Although the cat reaches safety and is unharmed, her owner is not so fortunate.

The Pearl of Death - tabby cat on armchair
The Pearl of Death - tabby cat in shadows
The Pearl of Death - tabby cat in shadows
The Pearl of Death - tabby cat moving from armchair across room and ducking under curtains animated gif

Final Mewsings: When it comes to creeping, cats are unsurpassed.

Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for also letting us know about the cat in this film.

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