The Sea Hawk (1924)

Directed by: Frank Lloyd

Synopsis: Sir Oliver Tressilian (Milton Sills) finds himself betrayed by his brother and sold into slavery but rallies back to return to the one he loves.

Kitty Cameo: In Algiers, a harem wife named Fenzileh (Medea Radzina) plots with her son Marsak (William Collier Jr.) to keep her husband from buying a pretty English girl (the object of Tressilian’s affections). Marsak is holding and petting a black cat while they plot.

The Sea Hawk - Marsak William Collier Jr. holding black cat in harem with Fenzileh Medea Radzina
The Sea Hawk - Marsak William Collier Jr. holding black cat in harem with Fenzileh Medea Radzina
The Sea Hawk - Marsak William Collier Jr. holding black cat in harem with Fenzileh Medea Radzina
The Sea Hawk - Marsak William Collier Jr. holding black cat in harem with Fenzileh Medea Radzina

As soon as Marsak gets up, the cat wanders off.

The Sea Hawk - black cat wandering away from Marsak William Collier Jr. and Fenzileh Medea Radzina

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t have time for human jealousy.

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