The Sitter (2017)

Also Known As: Charlotte Wakes, Darkness Wakes

Starring: Raph

Directed by: Simon Richardson

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Charlotte (Aisling Knight) accepts a job cat sitting for a creepy couple in a creepy country home which leads to creepy happenings.

Kitty Cameo: The man of the house, Mr. Farrow (Richard Kilgour) tells Charlotte that their cat keeps to herself and that she probably won’t even see her. True to his word, the cat is missing for most of the movie and Charlotte never even learns the animal’s name. The first time the black cat shows up it’s for a Spring-Loaded Cat moment, scaring Charlotte as she opens an upstairs door.

The Sitter - black cat Raph in doorway
The Sitter - black cat Raph in doorway jumps out at Charlotte Aisling Knight in doorway animated gif

Closer to the end of the film, Charlotte tries to get the cat to eat before the lights suddenly go out.

The Sitter - black cat Raph by bowl on floor
The Sitter - black cat Raph by bowl on floor

Sitting next to the fireplace, Charlotte pets the cat.

The Sitter - black cat Raph being petted
The Sitter - black cat Raph being petted

Hearing a noise, Charlotte lets the cat jump down never to be seen again. The cat actor playing the nameless and mostly-absent cat was Raph.

The Sitter - black cat Raph being petted by Charlotte Aisling Knight

Final Mewsings: If your going to cat sit, insist on meeting the cat first!

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