by Ted Davis
Directed by: Philip Kaufman
Synopsis: Director Philip Kaufman aims high and hits most of his targets about the mystery of existence in this affecting adaptation of the Milos Kundera novel, a romantic roundelay set during the Czech uprising of 1968 about hedonistic Tomas (Daniel Day-Lewis), a gifted brain surgeon drawn to the spectacular and independent Sabina (Lena Olin), but who unaccountably marries manipulative and obsessively needy gamine Tereza (Juliette Binoche).
Purr Blurs: After a brief sojourn in Geneva, Tomas returns to Prague, driving down a narrow claustrophobic avenue, which is sparsely populated by people and two black cats at the side of the street.

Final Mewsings: Cats, more than anyone, appreciate freedom.
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