Directed by: Rudolf Ising
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A housecat (voiced by Russ Powell) is disturbed by two playful puppies and is happy when they are turned outside. But when the puppies don’t return, the cat goes looking for them.
Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the short, the cat is sleeping peacefully in front of the fireplace.

The puppies are playing with a balloon and bump into the cat. The cat screeches at the pups in a strange sort of voice, speaking English but screeching a bit like Donald Duck. While the cat is scolding the pups, the balloon string settles next to the fire and ignites, causing the balloon to explode.

This sends the cat into a major bout of the zoomies which leaves the room in a shambles.

Hearing the woman of the house coming, the cat hides in a flower pot. The woman thinks the puppies broke everything and puts them outside.

The cat laughs at the puppies’ banishment and goes back to resting. The puppies get out of an open gate and find themselves in a scary world where they are chased by dogs and a dogcatcher.

When it gets to be eight p.m. and the puppies have not returned, both the woman and the cat fear for their safety.

They go outside to call the puppies again.

The cat takes it upon himself to go out looking for the wayward pups. He sees a large amount of paw prints from where the pups stole a bone from a bulldog and were then confronted by a large number of stray dogs.

When the cat overhears a police call saying there is a dog fight at the city dump, he hurries across town and up a telephone pole to locate the fight.

Seeing the pups cornered by a huge number of dogs, the cat leaps into action, attacking the unsuspecting hounds.

Victorious, the cat marches home (a la The Spirit of ’76) with the pups. At home he sings to them as they chew on their bone.

Final Mewsings: Most cats don’t really sound like Donald Duck.
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